Friday, July 23, 2010

The test begins now...

I thought I was smart
I thought I was right
I thought it better not to fight
I thought there was a virtue, in always being cool
¬Flaming Lips


International Entertainment Law Final was harder than the Professor had led us to believe, but still there was nothing on it we hadn't covered and I was well prepared. Plus its curved so I'm confident I'll do well. Grabbed lunch with JC at The Court (pub). Study, Study, Study. Break. Break for Blog. Back to studying Media Law. Dinner. Study. Bed.


International Comparative Media Law's final was much more straightforward and exactly what the professor had led us to believe going in to the exam. I wish I could have had a little more time, but I know I'll do well. After the exam I spoke with Dean Tyler (the program's dean and the school's ex-dean) and he explained to me that if I transferred the 6 credits earned here wouldn't be factored into the number of allowable transfer credits. So it looks like I'll be going back to WNEC this fall (and be able to take up to 11 credits) and still have a shot at transferring to Southwestern in the spring, which is my plan. After class I packed and napped. Then the program organized a farewell dinner at the Medieval Banquet. I came back to College Hall afterwards and passed out.


Woke up. Showered. Checked out. Split a cab with someone to Heathrow (Terminal 1).


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